To clarify:  "/shop" DOES take me to the shop.  But, "/shop/dashboard" 
produces this error as described.

On Friday, January 5, 2018 at 11:41:52 AM UTC-5, Mike Robinson wrote:
> I just installed "pip3 django-oscar" in the usual way and I added the shop 
> urls under "/shop" to my
> I find that I can get to the shop but not to the dashboard with 
> "/shop/dashboard."  I get an error from the default dashboard auth-fn.
> ImproperlyConfigured: Please follow Oscar's default dashboard app layout 
> or set a custom access_fn
> So I put some debugging messages into my local copy and now things start 
> to get weird.
> url-name 'dashboard:promotion-list-by-page' 
> gets url '/shop/dashboard/content-blocks/pages/' 
> view_module 'django.contrib.flatpages.views'
> Huh?!  So I go into the shell and try some one-liners.  This 
> one's good:
> >>> resolve(r'/shop/dashboard/content-blocks/create/')
> ResolverMatch(func=oscar.apps.dashboard.promotions.views.CreateRedirectView, 
> args=(), kwargs={}, url_name=promotion-create-redirect, app_names=[], 
> namespaces=['dashboard'])
> ... but this one tries to go to flatpages!
> >>> resolve(r'/shop/dashboard/content-blocks/pages/')
> ResolverMatch(func=django.contrib.flatpages.views.flatpage, args=(), 
> kwargs={'url': ''}, url_name=django.contrib.flatpages.views.flatpage, 
> app_names=[], namespaces=[])
> ... and I'm sure that I am looking at the Python code that defines both:
>     def get_urls(self):
>         urls = [
>             url(r'^$', self.list_view.as_view(), name='promotion-list'),
>             url(r'^pages/$', self.page_list.as_view(),
>                 name='promotion-list-by-page'),
>             url(r'^page/(?P<path>/([\w-]+(/[\w-]+)*/)?)$',
>                 self.page_detail.as_view(), name='promotion-list-by-url'),
>             url(r'^create/$',
>                 self.create_redirect_view.as_view(),
> "promotion-list-by-page" occurs only once in the source-code.  As I said 
> above – "reverse()" produces the URL-string indicated, but it resolves to a 
> flatpage while its next-door-neighbor resolves properly to a create-view. 
>  I also printed the class-name so I also know that "PageDetailView" is 
> what's being referenced.
> Yes, I -am- running under Python 3...
> I simply cannot explain why one URL is not being resolved while its 
> next-door-neighbor is.  Especially since the URL that I'm trying to 
> resolve, came from "reverse()!"

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