Hi everyone,

I'm using Oscar 1.5 with Django 1.11 and Python 3.6.

By chance I noticed that for anonymous (i.e. not logged in) users the 
basket in my shop at times behaves funny. You can find the shop here 

I updated the project to oscar 1.5 recently, and I'm inclined to say that 
this behaviour could not be observed prior to the update.

Steps to reproduce:

1. Add a couple of items to the basket.
2. Eventually view the content of the basket. All the items should be there.
3. Continue adding items to the basket.
4. View the basket again. The items added after viewing the basket for the 
first time do not appear.
5. Click one of the grey refresh buttons, and all the items should appear.

I have not been able to reliably reproduce it following these steps myself, 
but in > 75% of the cases, the described behaviour can be observed.

A second, possibly related error occurs when deleting an item from the 
basket. Oscar throws a


Line has no basket.

error here: 

oscar/apps/basket/forms.py in check_max_allowed_quantity at line 36

is_allowed, reason = self.instance.basket.is_quantity_allowed(qty_delta)

When the user is not logged in, a oscar_open_basket cookie is set, which is 
not the case when a user is logged in.

This is about all the information I can provide. Any thoughts?

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