
For some weirdly specific reason that's probably not worth going into here, 
I'd like to add a button next to the "POST" button on the HTML form at the 
bottom of the list view HTML (for slightly more detail, I'd like to enable 
my users to test their input on a set of sample data to give them more 
information about how their data will impact the system).


Unfortunately, in order to do that, I think I would need to write a custom 
template pack that contains a "base.html", which ends up with a great deal 
of copy/paste happening (except for the button I add, the rest of 
"base.html" is fine).

I was thinking of how this might be slightly easier if the form itself was 
abstracted into a template, something like "html_form.html", which was then 
referenced in "base.html".  That way, a template pack could only contain 
the form layout, and base.html would use the custom template pack's form 
layout instead of the default one.

Could this work?  Does this go against the purpose of DRF HTML templates?  
Am I thinking about this all wrong?

Charles Dimino

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