So, this issue is something that i faced while testing of my class based 
views. I had a view that creates and updates user as shown below.

class UserViewSet(ViewSet):

    def check_permissions(self, request):
        print("Action = ", self.action)
        if self.action == 'create_user':
            return True
        return super().check_permissions(request)

    def create_user(self, request):
    # user creation code
    def update(self, request):    
        #user update code

And create_user was mapped with POST method and update was mapped with PUT 
method. So, my need was that for create_user action no permission is 
required and for update, user should be authenticated. Overriding 
check_permssion did the job. Now, when i was testing the create_user end 
point. I wrote a test that tries to create user using some method other 
than POST. I expected that the response should be 

def test_create_user_with_invalid_method(self):
    data = self.user_data
    response = self.client.get(self.url, data)
    self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTP_405_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED)

But the response was HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED. And the action variable was set 
as None. My url mapping is like this

url(r'^account/register/$', UserViewSet.as_view({"post": "create_user"}), 

So looking at this, i thought djago is either doing the mapping of 
request(method, url) to action either after checking permission or doing it 
before but setting action as None when it fails to find the proper mapping

So my concern is that whether this is the correct behaviour, or am i doing 
something logically wrong here. 

PS: Please ignore my grammatical mistaks.


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