#26053: makemigrations generates a wrong type for a DurationField column on
     Reporter:  benjellounayoub      |      Owner:  nobody
         Type:  Bug                  |     Status:  new
    Component:  Database layer       |    Version:  1.9
  (models, ORM)                      |   Keywords:  makemigrations,
     Severity:  Normal               |  DurationField, postgresql, psycopg2
 Triage Stage:  Unreviewed           |  Has patch:  0
Easy pickings:  0                    |      UI/UX:  0
 - Django version : 1.9.1
 - PostgreSQL version : "PostgreSQL 9.4.4 on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu,
 compiled by gcc (Ubuntu 4.9.1-16ubuntu6) 4.9.1, 64-bit"
 - DB conf :
     'default': {
         'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
         'NAME': 'test',
         'USER': 'test',
         'PASSWORD': 'test',
         'HOST': 'localhost',
         'PORT': '',

 '''Following those steps:'''
 1 - creating a minimal model example including a DurationField
 class Foo(models.Model):
     bar = models.DurationField()

 2 - migrate the new model
 $ python manage.py makemigrations AppName
 $ python manage.py migrate

 3 - then check the type of the 'bar' DB column related to the 'bar'
 DurationField on the 'appname_foo' generated table
 \d appname_foo

 => The datatype associated to the bar column is not interval as expected
 but float

Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/26053>
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