#10788: Actual name of uploaded file available later than it was in 1.0
 Reporter:  kmtracey              |       Owner:  nobody    
   Status:  new                   |   Milestone:  1.1       
Component:  File uploads/storage  |     Version:  SVN       
 Keywords:                        |       Stage:  Unreviewed
Has_patch:  0                     |  
 Originally reported here: http://groups.google.com/group/django-

 Prior to r9766 an uploaded file was saved during model form save (even
 when commit=False) by a field save_form_data override.  Thus the actual
 name (including upload directory and any appended underscores) used for a
 !FileField was available to pre-save signal handlers and any code that ran
 after a !ModelForm.save(commit=False).  r9766 delayed the actual file save
 to much later in the model save process (a field pre_save routine), so
 some code that used to be able to use the actual file name no longer can.

 (There are other side-effects of r9766 still open: #10404, #10300, #10249
 but these are all slightly different issues.  In the end we might choose
 to decide to deal with them all en masse somehow, but just to make sure
 this particular wrinkle isn't forgotten I figured it should have its own

Ticket URL: <http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/10788>
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