
Do exceptions like "PollDoesNotExist" get generated in a similar manner
that the lookups do?

I find that when processing a request, Django is throwing me exceptions
like "RespondentDoesNotExist", but if I try and catch that exception,
rather than using a bare "except:" statement, I get this:

NameError: global name 'RespondentDoesNotExist' is not defined

Should I just be using ObjectDoesNotExist, or is there a way of getting
the more accurately named exceptions?

While I have you, how do you get the data from a form out of a
manipulator after this step:


or don't you, and I should stick to re-using the POST data like so:


And a final question, is there a better way to get HTTP header info out
of a request than this (which I haven't yet check to see if it even


Thanks for your help. I've got a dozen Django and Python related tabs
open in Firefox and I can't locate the answer in any of them. :)


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