On 7/8/06, Iain Duncan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm new to Django, but have a project done that must go up live next
week for a client. However, it's just glamorized brochure ware with and
admin interface, so they likely want to use shared hosting. Can anyone
tell me:

- Recomendations for reliable shared hosting that is Django friendly
with service to the developer ( me ) being more important than price.

- How does one deal with the "restart apache" issue on a shared hosting
account? Is it even possible?

- What's likely the best setup given the above? FastCGI instead of
mod_python? Any tips for deployment?

( I use apache 2.0 and mod_python on the home dev server )

I'm using A Small Orange for a small project of mine. They do not support mod_python - only FCGI. But I love their customer support - you get a reply within hours and are very helpful. Even though they do not support Django officially, they're cool with helping you to setup Django. So it shouldn't be a problem.
If you need instructions for hosting django with FastCGI on a shared host, you might want to read this:

Harish Mallipeddi

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