Hey There,

I'm stuck here for almost 1 week so really appreciate any help. What I'm
trying to do is to get the reverse URL for login view for example. So I do
the following:

In [1]: from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
> In [2]: reverse("django.contrib.auth.views.login")
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> NoReverseMatch                            Traceback (most recent call last)
> /Users/tunix/Projects/raptiye/raptiye/<ipython console> in <module>()
> /Users/tunix/Projects/django/core/urlresolvers.pyc in reverse(viewname,
> urlconf, args, kwargs, prefix, current_app)
>     354
>     355     return iri_to_uri(u'%s%s' % (prefix, resolver.reverse(view,
> --> 356             *args, **kwargs)))
>     357
>     358 def clear_url_caches():
> /Users/tunix/Projects/django/core/urlresolvers.pyc in reverse(self,
> lookup_view, *args, **kwargs)
>     300             lookup_view_s = lookup_view
>     301         raise NoReverseMatch("Reverse for '%s' with arguments '%s'
> and keyword "
> --> 302                 "arguments '%s' not found." % (lookup_view_s, args,
> kwargs))
>     303
>     304 def resolve(path, urlconf=None):
> NoReverseMatch: Reverse for 'django.contrib.auth.views.login' with
> arguments '()' and keyword arguments '{}' not found.
> In [3]:

For some other django apps that I'm working on, this works without any
problems. I compared their settings.py and urls.py but still no luck. For
any help, I'm pasting settings.py to [1] and urls.py to [2].

[1] http://pastie.textmate.org/private/npbxwbqldumbyfznkg0avw
[2] http://pastie.textmate.org/private/22e8zrnojygal51gilxla


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