I come from the PHP/CodeIgniter/Actionscript/Other world I am slowly
learning Django and Python.


Question 01:

Sorry if OT... This is kinda more of a Python question. :(

In as3 oop, I like to do this (for example):

public class ClickTag {

        // Private:
        private var _ft:FireTrace;
        private function init($str:String = ''):void {

Notice the underscore on "_ft" and the dollar sign on "$str".

Another example, in jQuery, I like to designate objects using a dollar


$foo = $('#mydiv');


Going back to the AS example, I really dig using a dollar sign for
method arguments and the underscore for class properties.

Does Python/Django allow for anything similar? :)


Question 02:

Is there a good Python listserv out there? I could not find an
obviously popular Google group. Something like the PHP user group
would be cool. :)


Question 03:

I am building a view, and I would like to move functions within the
view into other files (for the sake of modularity)... In general,
where do you like to store your generic (to everything) / specific (to
a particular view) "helper" methods/functions?

My co-worker suggested that I put "helper" methods in a "utilities.py"


That might work well, but a part of me would prefer to do something
like this:

   +--- paginate.py
   +--- other.py
   +--- this.py

In other words, one method per class file, vs. cramming everything
into one utilities file.

What do ya'll suggest?

Also, let's say "paginate.py" could be used for any project... Where
would you suggest I store "global" utility classes/methods?


Sorry if silly questions. :(


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