ah nice one Jason :)
sorry it took me a while to respond, I had a load more problems and I
sort of forgot about this one....

I didn't get your solution working, but while I was hacking away and
searching the net for ideas I found request.GET.get('q', '') in
and multiple url params in: 

I then realise that I was already overriding the admin models
get_form() which has the request parameter, so it was simply a matter
of setting the initial state of the field via: initial=doc_no and
passing in the parameters via: add/?doc_no=Test1&doc_desc=Test2
and Test1 and Test2 ended up in the correct boxes :), I'm a bit new to
web dev stuff so have never used url parameters, so I'm glad it was
this easy, only took about ten mins :)

I've no idea if this is the right way to do what I wanted, but it
works, here's the code....

class MyModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    def get_form(self, request, obj=None):
        """override some widgets for the admin change form"""
        form = super(MyModelAdmin, self).get_form(request, obj)

        doc_no = request.GET.get('doc_no', '')
        doc_desc = request.GET.get('doc_desc', '')

        form.base_fields['doc_no'] = forms.CharField(

        form.base_fields['doc_desc'] = forms.CharField(

        return form

Thanks again Jason!

On May 9, 3:44 pm, leveille <leveil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On May 9, 4:58 am, nih <steven.bisse...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > I've got a python program that starts up a django web app, I'm trying
> > to figure out how to pass values from the program to the web app so
> > some fields in the admin add page are automatically populated with
> > values from the program, is the only way via url parameters?, I sense
> > its a lot more complicated than that :-)
> Hi, Steve,
> I've overridden render_change_form in the past to add extra context to
> a change form for one of my admin classes.  I've pasted a quick
> example here:http://dpaste.com/hold/192434/.  This method can be
> found in the ModelAdmin base 
> class:http://code.djangoproject.com/browser/django/trunk/django/contrib/adm....
> Of course, because request is passed to this method, you can access
> GET, etc.
> --
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