Someone e-mailed me a reply, and I thought I'd make it public before I

What you could do is use manual transaction management and do
something like:

def my_view(request):
   except MyFormException:
      # thrown when validation fails, etc.

That should allow you to create the PKs and then get out of there if
there's a problem.

On Jun 15, 9:23 am, Heleen <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a situation where I would like to do some validation on a many-
> to-many field in a model before it is saved. When the validation fails
> the model should not be saved and result in an appropriate error.
> However to be able to do anything with a many-to-many field the
> primary key of the model should be available, therefore it seems that
> the model should be saved first.
> In Forms there is the option to save with commit=False, but I could
> not find anything similar to this for the Models save function.
> Also, using a pre-save signal would not work, because the model is not
> saved yet. A post-save signal doesn't work either because then the
> model gets saved even in the cases that it shouldn't. Rewriting the
> save function would be the best option, but because I cannot 'pre'-
> save with commit=False this doesn't work either.
> Could anyone tell me if there is such a function to achieve what I
> need or if there is a better way of doing this?
> Thanks very much!
> Heleen

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