Without caring or even attempting to understand your business I sounds
like you just need to stop using a BooleanField() and instead use a
ForeignKey(null=True) and then judge if it's "on_premise" by a method
rather than a field something like this:

class MyModel(Model):
    related_premise = ForeignKey(Premise, null=True)
    def on_premise(self):
        return self.related_premise is not None
    def get_related_premise(self):
        assert self.on_premise()
        return self.related_premise

On Jun 16, 3:39 pm, Nick <nickt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> OK, here's the deal. I'm working up an obituary site. There are 3
> models/tables and at one point I need to connect two in a way that is
> different than I have done up to this point. Here is the situation,
> any recommendations on how to accomplish this would be great:
> I have an obituary table. In that table there is a field that checks
> if a funeral service is on the premises (column name "on_premises" of
> the Funeral Home that is entering the information.
> If this BooleanField is checked then it returns the location
> information of the funeral home which is stored in a business_profile
> table. Not difficult, just check if the boolean returns a value and
> then populate the template
> That works out nicely except I have been given an extra criteria for
> this project. Some business have both a funeral home and a
> crematorium. Many of these situations require that we list the address
> of one or the other. Since the "on premises" is a BooleanField there
> is no way for someone to state what part of their business is
> responsible for the service.
> What I would like to do is make this option a drop down in the
> obituary form that basically gives the business the option of choosing
> which one of their locations is the one we want attached to this obit.
> Once this is chosen then I will pull the value into the templates.
> How do I relate these models? My first thought is to create two
> "business type" columns in the business profile table and then relate
> the "service_location" column to these columns in a drop down? Is that
> even possible?
> How do I retrieve the values from two different fields and then select
> from them in another model?

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