I've tried it with and without installing in settings.INSTALLED_APPS,
didn't work, table wasn't created vis syncdb.

> This might be the info you're 
> missing:http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/models/options/#app-label
This seems to work, however, since I want to use my external modules
for several projects, I don't want to include code that is specific
for one project (with 'app_label'). I'd need a customized copy for
every project then. Wouldn't be so DRY ;-)

David, nevertheless the link you've posted gave me the clue how to
solve the problem. I've defined my external module's class as an
abstract base class:

Then I only need three lines of code in my project's models.py:
from _external_modules.django_timer import Tim
class Tim(Tim):

Thanks everybody for the help!

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