When I connect directly to mysql using the mysql client program, I see
that my table contains utf-8 data. Here are the environment settings:

mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '%character%';
| Variable_name            |
Value                                           |
| character_set_client     |
utf8                                            |
| character_set_connection |
utf8                                            |
| character_set_database   |
utf8                                            |
| character_set_filesystem |
binary                                          |
| character_set_results    |
utf8                                            |
| character_set_server     |
utf8                                            |
| character_set_system     |
utf8                                            |
| character_sets_dir       | /rdsdbbin/mysql-5.1.45.R1/share/mysql/
charsets/ |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

However, when I access my model through the django shell, I have

In [4]: video = models.Video.objects.get(video_id='i265mCSdlsEl')
In [5]: video.title
Out[5]: '\xd1\x80\xd1\x83\xd1\x81\xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb9
In [6]: video.title == u'русский язык'
manage.py:1: UnicodeWarning: Unicode equal comparison failed to
convert both arguments to Unicode - interpreting them as being unequal
  # Universal Subtitles, universalsubtitles.org
Out[6]: False
In [7]: str = u'русский язык'
In [8]: str
Out[8]: u'\xd1\x80\xd1\x83\xd1\x81\xd1\x81\xd0\xba\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb9

I'm hoping that there is some obvious solution to this, since we're at
our wits' end. Any suggestions would be of great use.

Thank you,

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