On Sep 1, 12:17 pm, Bill Freeman <ke1g...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This seems to me to be a job for the template.  The forms documentation has
> a section on custom rendering which shows you how to iterate through the
> fields, or access them by name.  You would insert whatever HTML construct
> was appropriate for your text, providing a context variable giving its 
> contents,
> if necessary.

I guess I do not understand your reply.

I'm already iterating through the fields in the template, accessing
them by name.  Actually, many forms' worth of fields, in a many-rowed
table.  How would I display the product description for each row as
flexibly-wrapped text, rather than as a field widget?  That is what I
am trying to do.

Sorry if I am missing something that should have been obvious to me
from "whatever HTML construct".  Could you provide an example (or even
another hint), that works with a formset?

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