Auth backends fail down the list of middleware.  So I'm thinking something
like this.

Maybe, the users that you authenticate using LDAP or AD, append something to
their username, like _xyzuser.

johndoe has LDAP/AD password and logs in.
AD_AUTH_Middleware succeeds with original username and passwd,
Adds pre-determined suffix to username and queries local users for that new
Object does not exist but since he validated against other service you
create a username with suffix and password of your choice.

johndoe has LDAP/AD password and logs in.
AD_AUTH_Middleware succeeds,
Adds pre-determined suffix to username and queries users for that username.
User object is returned.

johndoe (a different one) logs in with a contrib auth password from your
django database.
AD_AUTH_Middleware fails and fails over to contrib_auth.
Django Auth Middleware queries local users and returns User object.

Only chink in the armor would be if they both had the same passwords.  I'm
sure you could add some other criteria to your LDAP auth backend to help
with that though by adding a field to a user profile.

I'm no expert.  I just want to start giving back to the Django community so
this is my best shot.


On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 4:28 PM, Shawn Milochik <> wrote:

> You can use multiple authentication backends in the same Django
> project. All you have to do is write/install a backend that supports
> your alternative method, and add it to AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS in your
> settings file.
> The info here should help a lot:
> For users who authenticate against the alternative source, just create
> a new User instance on-the-fly when they first successfully log in.
> This will allow the rest of your app and pluggable apps to "just work"
> if they rely on contrib.auth.
> Shawn
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