> Mainly, I just don't think you're subclassing User for the right
> reasons. In fact, I can't really think of anytime I would subclass
> it.  Usually adding a related table is a better way to go (lookup
> django user profiles for example).

 There are times when the builtin User model is not enough, that's why there
is a way to specify user profiles. There are times when you want to be sure
that every user in the system has a profile (some filed in the profile is
required for the system to work properly), even for the users added from the
admin. This can lead people to try all kinds of hacks, like subclassing
user, which there is a way to implement but will lead you in all kinds of
trouble. Then there is the case where you want all users to be staff no
matter what, which makes the field superficial, but leads to extra
uneccessary work on the developers part to make sure it works that way.
These are all real world scenarios I've encountered, and I'm guilty of
pushing a subclassed user model in the past.

If the api leads a lot of people to try all kinds of hacks around it to
achieve what they want, blame the API not the people. Providing concrete
models for users in contrib leads to more pain than the time or trouble it

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