On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 6:02 PM, aug dawg <augdaw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey all,
> I'm currently learning how to use Django, so earlier this evening I spent
> about 30 minutes working on a blog engine. I used the admin interface and
> ran 'python manage.py syncdb'. I then run the dev server. I log in to the
> admin interface successfully, but then it says I don't have permission to
> edit anything. I even manually created a superuser. Can anyone help me out?
Admin says you don't have permission to edit anything regardless of your
superuser status when it there have been no models registered for it to
manage. So either there are no admin.py files in any of the INSTALLED_APPS
or (more likely) the admin.autodiscover() call in urls.py has been left
commented out (part of the instructions for enabling the admin include
uncommenting that line. The admin.autodiscover() call is what ensures the
registrations done in admin.py files in all installed apps are actually


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