On Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 10:50 AM, Yo-Yo Ma <baxterstock...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Anyone have any thoughts.

Yes. My thought is that you should settle down.

This is a mailing list, populated by an international audience.

You've waited less than *2 hours* before pinging the list for a
response. This is the third time in recent memory that you've done

Mail isn't an instant-response mode of communication, and on top of
that, most of the audience of people that are in a position to answer
your question aren't in the same time zone as you. It's 4am in London.
5am in Western Europe. It's dinner time on the west coast of the US.
Lunch time on the east coast of Australia. Is it completely outside
the realms of possibility that people might be *busy*?

On top of that, this is a volunteer list. It's entirely possible that
nobody in the community can spare the time *right this very second* to
answer your question.

If you need an urgent response, I suggest one of two things:

 * Try IRC. IRC is an instant response forum. Anybody who is
interested in responding will respond immediately. You're still not
guaranteed a response, but you're at least going to find out if you're
going to get a response straight away.

 * Pay someone. There are plenty of for-money consultants in the
Django community who will happily provide a 2-hour turnaround on your
queries for a fee.

Russ Magee %-)

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