I am using the Modeltranslations app to translate some of my model
fields.  The way the app works is this: you specify which languages
you are using in settings.py and which fields you are translating in a
translation.py file located in your project folder.  At runtime,
modeltranslations creates new fields for the translations.  You have
to update your database tables to allow for these new fields, which I
have done.

The problem I am having is that I am creating translation fields in a
parent class ('Node') that I want to be inherited by all child classes
('Artifact', 'Discussion', and 'UserProfile').  In my translation.py,
I specify the fields I want translated in NodeTranslationOptions, and
I have added these fields to the Node table in my database.  I have
not made any changes to the child classes.  Weirdly, the translation
fields that I create for Node are available for the Artifact class,
but not for Discussion or UserProfile.

For example, I have a 'title' field that is in English by default and
needs to be translated into Spanish and French.  Modeltranslations
adds the following fields to Node: title_en, title_es, and title_fr.
When I run dir() on a Node object in the Django shell, I can see that
a object has all three of these new fields.  All three fields also
show up when I run dir() on an Artifact object.  However, running
dir() on a Discussion or UserProfile object shows only one new field:
title_en.  title_es and title_fr are nowhere to be seen.

This is the first time I have had inheritance problems of this type -
other properties of Node are inherited by Artifact, Discussion, and
UserProfile the way that they should be.  Is there something about
adding the fields at runtime that could be causing this problem?

Thanks in advance for your help.

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