On 10/20/2010 5:20 AM, PyMan wrote:
> On 20 Ott, 10:28, Daniel Roseman <dan...@roseman.org.uk> wrote:
>> On Oct 20, 8:11 am, PyMan <claudio.marino...@rsoft.it> wrote:
>>>> Firefox has long had its "profile" functionality.
>>>> firefox -no-remote -ProfileManager
>>>> You can create multiple firefox profiles, then run multiple instances of
>>>> firefox at once - so long as you use different profiles for them.  A bit
>>>> fiddly, but obviously useful for development/testing.
>>> First of all thanks for your answers to both of you :)
>>> Yeah, I know about FX profiles and I already knew it was a working
>>> solution, but it's not a good solution. I mean we're speaking about
>>> users that don't even know what a browser is. Telling them to do that
>>> is just mess.
>> What's your case for getting end users to log in as two separate
>> profiles? If they're non-technical, they shouldn't have to be worrying
>> about this level of detail in any case. It's going to be confusing for
>> them no matter what you do.
>> --
>> DR.
> It shouldn't happen, but it could. It's an office or it's a warehouse,
> people could work with the same user and/or (above all) people may
> work on the same machine...so they should pay attention on what they
> do...but even no.
> Just an example when the problem can occurs:
> The djangoapp has more users, some of these have privileges to access
> the django-admin to change some user permissions
> With just one opened browser window the user U1 (not superuser/staff)
> is logged on, then going on the django-admin (in a new window because
> the link opened there, or jsut the user opened a new window by himself
> or whatever) a login is required. Logging on with a different user,
> the first window still seems (especially when the whole application is
> ajax based) to use the U1 user and something of not expected (to the
> user) may occurs.
> I understand it's normal, the end-user may not.
In which case the solution is to instruct them not to share logins,
which they would have to do to experience those problems.

I agree it can be a pain when they do that, but if they are so
unsophisticated that they let two different users interact with the
system through a single login account they must expect trouble with
authenticated systems.

As is so often the case, education is the answer. And, as is so often
the case, the users would rather sacrifice security for convenience
(then make it the system designer's fault when they realize they can't
have both).


DjangoCon US 2010 September 7-9 http://djangocon.us/

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