Hi guys,
I'm developing an ISP control panel for my organization. I just finished the
web interface based on django admin and now it's time to introduce calls to
the "system scripts" in order to make the changes effective on the ISP
servers (add users, manage virtualhosts, domains, and all this stuff). To
achieve that I was thinking in overriding the save and delete methods from
my models ( virtualhost model, domain model..). For example. before saving a
new "apache virtualhost" I want to run a proper "create vhost" script
through ssh using Paramiko library and if it is successful save the new
virtualhost into the database, otherwise send a message to enduser telling
that an error has occurred.

class Virtualhost(models.Model):

    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
         if not self.id:
             ssh = Ssh('create_new_virtualhost', self)
             if ssh.errors:
                  message.add(self.user, 'something wrong was happend')
                   super(self, Virtualhost).save(*args, **kwargs)

I'm wondering if this approach is the right way for the interaction between
django and ISP servers.
Moreover, I read that is highly recommended to use a message queue like
celery in order to avoid a possible 'long wait' until ssh command ends [1].
Would you execute the save function through celery? Is it safe? or maybe if
save() is executed asynchronously it can cause some unexpected behavior?

I need some "expert" opinion here :) Would you affront this situation in a
similar way or would you take a completely different approach?

Many thanks!!



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