On 11 November 2010 03:19, andy <flowar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Django recommends saving images to the file system since this gives
> better performance than storing the files in a database. However I
> don't seen any documentation on how to restrict access to those files
> by user. If someone knows the url to your image directory they could
> possibly view all the content of that directory. If you create a
> social network or a multi tenant application how will you handle this
> issue?
> While writing this up I learned about preventing directory listing, is
> this secure enough. how about obfuscating file or directory names.

This largely depends on what your HTTP server can do, but with Apache
you can use the X-Sendfile header. This works like this:

0. Install mod_xsendfile and put "XSendFile On" in your Apache config.
See also [1].

1. Instead of putting the images in a location with all the other
media, put it in a protected location - one which the server can read,
but not associated with any Location.

2. Create a view that will check permissions for a given file. As a
response return an empty HttpResponse with "X-Sendfile" header
containing the full filesystem path of the file to be server, or a 403
if the person is not permitted.

3. Apache will look at the response for X-Sendfile header and if
present the file that the header points to will be server as a
response instead.

This way you can check permission in your Django app, while still
having the speed of serving static files directly by HTTP server. A
similar solution is also availble for nginx[2] and probably other

[1]: https://tn123.org/mod_xsendfile/
[2]: http://wiki.nginx.org/NginxXSendfile

Łukasz Rekucki

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