On Tuesday, January 04, 2011 03:33:17 pm Phil wrote:
> Hi Shawn,
> When it wasn't working I tried both from command line and from
> interpreter, from command line just says "command not found". No I
> wasn't calling the project that, I've tried a few different project
> names and none seem to work.
> Thanks for advice/ tips. I'll keep posted when I get to the bottom of
> it.

Sounds like django-admin.py is not in your path. see [1] about setting the 
path for os x (the same instructions and explanation can go for linux/*nix) 

The path in this case should have a listing fordjango/bin  (note no leading /, 
I've named a relative path within the django checkout/install[2], you'll want 
to add the absolute path for your system).

You're problem here suggests two things to me, 1. you're a novice to 
python/django (it's fair, we all got to start somewhere). 2. you have no clue 
on how any of your operating systems really work (again we have to start 

I would suggest before you run off and make "the next big website", you sit 
back and take a few weeks to learn the basics of both administration for your 
operating systems (focusing on what os your site is going to run on in 
production) and working with python before you start building your site. (if 
this is a problem, i.e. you've taken a job without the minimum requirements 
met and need to get this done now, then do them side by side). 

If you don't, you'll find yourself with many more headaches like file 
permissions, where files are uploaded and how to access them and store them 
securly, dealing with module paths and import problems and even figuring out 
how to get your webserver of choice to serve your django site. These are 
mainly operating system issues.

Also learn the difference between a python module and a python application.  
In this case django is a python module that provides a few python applications 
to make the developers life easier. You should be able to recognize them on 
sight and be able to use them both easily before you begin developing. 

Also if you google your error and the command name[3] you'll see that the 
solution for you in the first page of results (in this case the first hit[4]). 
99% of most problems are answerable this way... as others have documented or 
asked a similar question and given a solution from various sources. If your 
google-fu isn't that great, time to practice this also. It'll save you much 
time and headaches. 

For me, these three things are essential: Knowing how a computer works, 
knowing how your operating system works and knowing how a programming language 
and the tools work are 3 different things and equally important in 
development, regardless if it's a website, desktop application, or 

IMO a good developer is also a good admin and visa-versa. *being an admin led 
me to being a developer, from wanting to understand how to debug and trace 
application issues to get around problems*


[1] http://www.tech-recipes.com/rx/2621/os_x_change_path_environment_variable/
[2] http://code.djangoproject.com/browser/django/trunk/django/bin
[3] http://www.google.com/search?q=command+not+found+%2Bdjango-admin.py
[4] http://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/InstallationPitfalls
The worst cliques are those which consist of one man.
                -- G.B. Shaw

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