On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 7:35 AM, Vlastimil Zima <vlastimil.z...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Recently I found out that distinct() can not be called on queries that
> are ordered as the result query is kind of
> SELECT DISTINCT table.id, table.ordering_column FROM table ORDER BY
> table.ordering_column ASC
> In ticket http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/11568 was said that
> this will not be fixed, bacuse this is intentional behaviour of
> ordering.
> So code
> SomeModel.objects.order_by('ordering_column').values_list('pk')
> leads to SQL
> SELECT table.id, table.ordering_column FROM table ORDER BY
> table.ordering_column ASC
> instaed of simple
> SELECT table.id FROM table ORDER BY table.ordering_column ASC
> My question is, what is the intention? I could not find out any
> advantage that comes from this kind of query.

It is not valid SQL to order by a column that is not in the result set.

MySQL allows you to do that, but that is a MySQL-specific feature.
PostgreSQL, certainly, does not allow this, and there is no real
advantage gained (aside from a slightly smaller response) by excluding
the ordering column.

Ian Clelland

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