I want to have a little feedback form in one of my views but I can't
get it to work. I put a pdb.set_trace() to debug the views but when I
click submit the view reloads and never gets into the if
request.method == 'POST' and... code section. I'm very confused about
how to approach ajax forms submission with django. When I want to make
somthing like update a db value clicking in a button(i.e: votes) I can
create another view for handling the ajax call, but in this case I've
to generate the empty form in the original view, so I guess I can't
create another one to handle the ajax call.


def results(request, query):
    # View code outside the form
    ipcs_selected = request.session['ipcs_requested']
    query2 = ' | '.join(query.split())
    base_query = '@title (%s)' % (query2)

    # code that I want to run when the user submit's the form
    results = {'success': False }
    if request.method == u'POST' and request.is_ajax():
        form = FeedBackForm(request.POST)
        POST = request.POST
        # work with the form
        if form.is_valid():
            results = {'success':True}
        json = simplejson.dumps(results)
        return HttpResponse(json, mimetype='application/json')
        form = FeedBackForm()

    return render_to_response('results.html',
                {'patents': patents, 'query': query, 'bq': base_query,


        function submit_form() {
            $.post("/results/{{query}}/", { query:{{ query }}, full:
{{full_query }} }, function(json){
                alert("Success?: " + json['success']);
        function addClickHandlers() {
            $("#submit").click( function() { submit_form() });

  <form action="" method="post" id="form">
      <p>Relevant results?</p>
      {{ form.relevance }}
      <p>Up to which page?</p>
      {{ form.rel_pages }}
      <input type="submit" name="submit" value="SUBMIT" id="submit" />

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