On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 8:28 PM, Ian Stokes-Rees
<ijsto...@hkl.hms.harvard.edu> wrote:
> Does it make sense that inherited models also need their apps included in
> INSTALLED_APPS?  Right now if I have:
> base/models.py:
> class MyBaseModel(django.db.models.Model):
>    stuff
> and then elsewhere:
> derived/models.py:
> class MyDerivedModel(base.MyBaseModel):
>    stuff
> I need to include both "derived" and "base" in my INSTALLED_APPS list in
> settings.py, otherwise the table for the MyBaseModel content is never
> created.  It seems to me that "syncdb" should be able to "see" that
> MyDerivedModel has MyBaseModel as a super class in the chain to
> django.db.models.Model and consequently create the necessary tables for
> MyBaseModel.
> Or have I just misunderstood why it was necessary for me to include "base"
> in order to get the tables created properly by "manage.py syncdb"?
> TIA, Ian Stokes-Rees

Explicit is better than implicit. If you want models from app 'base'
installed on your system, you add the 'base' app to INSTALLED_APPS.
Otherwise, its a series of $MAGIC working out what apps/DB tables are
required, and $MAGIC is never good - might as well be using rails.



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