> The intention for 1.3 was to get a class-based view framework in place
> that could serve as a replacement for the existing function-based
> generic views. Since the function-based generics don't have
> permissions, neither does the initial iteration of class-based views.

That's fair enough.

> Once we start the 1.4 cycle, we can take a closer look at suggestions
> like adding permission support to CBVs.  If this topic is something
> that you have a particular interest in, I encourage you to tinker with
> the code that is there and see if you can develop a concrete proposal
> for this feature; that way, when formal feature discussions start,
> you'll be in a good position to drive a discussion.

For most cases, using a user-specific queryset would be enough, for

class BlogPostUpdateView(UpdateView):

    def get_queryset(self):

        return self.request.user.blogpost_set.all()

Which would restrict the ability to update only one's own blog posts.

For more specific requirements, a possible SecureMixin could do a post-
lookup check through a has_permission() check. The problem then is how
to handle non-permitted cases - probably another hook would be
required, with a default behaviour being e.g. redirect to login.

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