Hi there.

I'm having a weird issue with a custom admin action. It works pretty
fine locally, but on the live server what happens is:

* it renders to the template - OK
* after submit, the function is executed (the changes and everything
are applied using the post data, collected from the template) - OK
* then, on debug = True mode, it crashes with a "page not found"
error; after then, I either need to clear all my cookies or, in most
of times, need to restart the browser, otherwise the whole site is
unaccessible to me, with the same "page not found" error, always
listing my urls from the main urls.py.

I want to make clear that it redirects, after post, to the very same
url it was before, all urls are valid (remember it works PERFECTLY on
my local server), but no one seems to work after the issue, only after
I restart my browser and clear my data.

Here goes, as example, the admin.py code I'm using:

class SectorAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    actions = ['apply_index']

    def apply_index(self, request, queryset):
        form = None

        if 'apply' in request.POST:
            form = ApplyIndexForm(request.POST)

            if form.is_valid():
                index = form.cleaned_data['index']

                sector_names = []
                for sector in queryset:

                self.message_user(request, "Index of %s%% successfully
applied to %s." % (index, ', '.join(sector_names)))
                return HttpResponseRedirect(request.get_full_path())

        if not form:
            form = ApplyIndexForm(initial={'_selected_action':

        VARS = {
            'sectors': queryset,
            'apply_form': form,

        return render_to_response('admin/heritage/sector/
apply_index.html', VARS, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
    apply_index.short_description = "Apply new sector index"

admin.site.register(Sector, SectorAdmin)

Does anybody know what this could be?

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