
1) My need for getting the current user is that I want the following columns on 
all tables: created, created_by, updated and updated_by.

So I defined this abstract class which I inherit from on all models:

class AbstractCommonAll(models.Model):
    r''' All our tables will be defined with this class. We always want to know 
    created it and when it was done. The same goes for who updated it and when 
it was done.
    We could either have:
        1 A char field for the user.
        2 A foreign key to the user table.
    If we take option 2 then we must define users for our batch jobs as well 
and all the queries
    and updates will have to link to the user table. So let us just implement 
option 1 for now.
    We can always change this at a later stage.
    created    = models.DateTimeField(editable=False, help_text='When this row 
was created')
    created_by = models.CharField(max_length=20, editable=False, help_text='Who 
created this row')
    updated    = models.DateTimeField(editable=False, help_text='When this row 
was updated')
    updated_by = models.CharField(max_length=20, editable=False, help_text='Who 
updated this row')
    class Meta:
        abstract = True
    def save(self):
        if not self.id:
            self.created = datetime.today()
            self.created_by = 'user' # we should get this from 
        self.updated = datetime.today()
        self.updated_by = 'user' # we should get this from request.User.username
        super(AbstractCommonAll, self).save()

I am still going to implement getting the request.User.username as per ProJango 
by Marty Alchin Chapter 11 (page 253 onwards). I could do it in a view but then 
I still need it in the saves via admin. I should probably allocate a user for 
the batch programs and let them sign on so that they may have authenticated 
access and I suspect that I should make this batch user name available to 
AbstractCommonAll.save() because there will not be a request structure 

2) For Audit/History records see the book ProJango by Marty Alchin Chapter 11 
(page 263 onwards) and 
http://qr7.com/2010/10/django-simple-history-ftw/ by Corey Bertram.
It handles the Historical records.

There is a possible error (depending upon your naming convention) when the 
indexes for the history tables are created:
sql_indexes_for_field() in 
/Python26/lib/site-packages/django/db/backends/creation.py creates the database 
index with name being model name + column name. This causes a problem for this 
implementation of history. 
The error is: Failed to install index for myapp.historical_Line model: relation 
" myapp_historical_line_type_id" already exists

It happens when the one modelname + foreignkey column name + '_id' is the same 
as the referenced modelname + '_id', as in the following example:

class Line_Type(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=50, unique=True)
    description = models.CharField(max_length=100)

class Line(models.Model):
    type    = models.ForeignKey(Line_Type)

So the indexes created would be:
    CREATE INDEX " myapp_historical_line*_type_id" ON " myapp_historical_line" 
    CREATE INDEX " myapp_historical_line_type*_id" ON " 
myapp_historical_line_type" ("id");
 * is on the model/column name border.

To bypass this error I renamed my linked field (I thought that it would be more 
difficult to have sql_indexes_for_field changed [put a specified literal e.g. 
'_x_' between model & column names]) as follows:

class Line(models.Model):
    line_type    = models.ForeignKey(Line_Type)

(PS: I prefixed 'zz' to the history table names so that pgAdmin lists them at 
the end of, or after, the 'real' tables).


-----Original Message-----
From: django-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:django-users@googlegroups.com] On 
Behalf Of Tony
Sent: 30 March 2011 22:27
To: Django users
Subject: Re: model manager and request

yeah, shawn said the exact dilemma I am having.  I am working with a
plugged in app and dont want to change its code and mess with its
views and create a new fork, it just seems like small thing to make a
change for (and I would probably mess something else up).

On Mar 30, 11:58 am, Shawn Milochik <sh...@milochik.com> wrote:
> Jacob,
> This sort of thing comes up so frequently on this list that we've all
> seen those answers dozens of times, although not usually in so concise
> a manner.
> My question, to which there seems to be no answer, is what a good
> approach to do something that I know (from spending a long time on
> this list) is also in high demand: Storing audit information.
> Simple requirement:
>     Store datetime.now(), request.user, and changes to a model
> automatically on post_save.
> Problem:
>     The "correct" solutions do not work. If you're using any pluggable
> apps at all you have to fork them or not log them. Refactoring is not
> an option.
> I understand why request information is simply not in scope in
> models.py. This isn't a rant or a demand for a fundamental change to
> the way Django works. I'm just looking for either:
>     1. A definitive "This is currently impossible in Django."
>     2. This is possible with this clever hack/middleware/pseudocode/whatever.
> Obviously this method (should it exist) allows a lot of bad designs in
> Django apps. But for the case of applying automatic logging in a
> Django project, it seems like a reasonable desire. Especially given
> that, as Django is a Web framework, there is always a request and
> always a user (even if it's an anonymous user).
> Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated. I'll also be attending
> your webinar tomorrow. If you find this question to be in scope or
> have extra time then I'd love to see it addressed.
> Thank you,
> Shawn

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