On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 9:25 AM, Jirka Vejrazka
<jirka.vejra...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  I use exactly the same setup. Look up the "django-odbc" package.
> This will be quite easy to use and setup, but there are some
> unresolved bugs in that package related to multi-db support. Most of
> them have patches attached to their tickets.

i tried django-odbc recently but got frustrated because of problems in
the utf8-latin1 mismatches.  i think it has something to do with the
exact versions of the unix-odbc layer and the MSSQL server, and also
because the existing database was 'designed' without any thoughts for
character encoding (people here are used 'forgive' computers for
mangling accents and ñ)

in the end i used django's ORM for my own databases and straight SQL
(via pyodbc) for MSSQL access.


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