Hi all,

I've created the example django poll application on
http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/intro/tutorial01/ Everything
works great.
I now want to have this poll application be a facebook application. I
thought by creating a FB application and just pointing to my hosted
Poll application URL
that everything should load fine, but alas it doesn't work. I get a "
CSRF token missing or incorrect" error which must be because the page
is POSTing and not doing a GET. But for a facebook application novice
like myself I don't know how to go about connecting these two
frameworks to make what should be a simple task manageable.

In short what I've done.
I've created the Poll sample app and have it hosted.
I've created a facebook applciation so I have my secret key, app id
and api key.
I've added my poll url into the "Facebook Integration" setting options
side of my facebook app.( which errors cause of the CSRF )

In short what I want.
I want people to have to add the application in facebook, allow it
permissions and be logged in in order to vote on polls.
If possible have this be a web application as well as a facebook
People online or in FB should be able to see polls, but can only vote
if authenticated.

Can someone please guide me in the right direction. Some really simple
how to guides, advice or clear up to date documentation.

I did find this.
django-facebook https://github.com/tschellenbach/Django-facebook which
I think is a step in the right direction because I had tried so many
facebook django SDKs which all seemed to be outdated, causing many
hours of frustration. The app comes with it's own example project
which I've gotten to work. But again now that I want to create my own
app I'm a bit stumped.

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