Thanks for the warning. But dont worry,i had no intention of leaving
it like that. As i said i dont know much about decorators,so i thought
it would be better to learn more about decorators before using them.
So i was reading the docs.

Yes,that is what i was looking for. I modified the login view as you
said and its working the way i want now. Thanks a lot!

On Apr 19, 9:18 pm, Shawn Milochik <> wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 2:01 PM, Luterien <> wrote:
> > I'm using the template method for now since i dont know much about
> > decorators. I tried using the decorators at contrib.auth.decorators
> > but it didnt work.
> Doing something the wrong way you're comfortable with instead of
> making yourself better at your job is really, really. bad. Just FYI. I
> definitely wouldn't hire someone who cares that little about not doing
> a horrible job that someone else is going to have to deal with in the
> future.
> You could also handle your original request in middleware. Technically
> you could do it in a template by using the template language to write
> JavaScript that would redirect, but that's still bad. The easiest way
> is probably in the login view itself -- check if the request.user
> either is_authenticated or is_anonymous and redirect as appropriate.
> Shawn

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