On Thu, 28 Apr 2011 00:49:40 -0300, Daniel França <daniel.fra...@gmail.com> 
> I'm getting a lot of problems saving and reading from files with special
> characteres in name, using the django-avatar lib.
> The truth is that I don't really understand the way python/django handle
> unicodes, for example, I suspect that from the moment the trace tells me
> that there's some strange characters in my variable I can't do anything
> anymore... like try to use the unicode() method.

Ah, you need to make yourself familiar with Python's unicode
support. The problems arise as soon as one of your users enters
non-ASCII-characters e.g. as file name.

In Django, all strings that go into the database must be unicode
strings and will be converted to unicode strings if they are not. This
fails as soon as there are non-ASCII-characters in the string.

I can recommend for reading:


It's nothing about Django, just Python.

Hope that helps a bit.

Kind regards


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