Hi John --

Next time, can you please try to be a bit more polite? If you adopted
this sort of tone in person I'd write you off as a crazy person and
get away as quickly as possible. What makes you think it's acceptable

Most people -- and I'm one -- have a severe allergy to answering
questions phrased with such hostility. You'd be amazed at how far a
polite tone goes. If you're rude, people aren't going to want to help

Because I'm not a jerk, though, I will answer your question despite
your rudeness. You're probably either not using a RequestContext or
else you've left the staticfiles context processor out of
TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS. You could be sure you're using a context
processor by using django.shortcuts.render(), or by passing a
context_instance argument to render_to_response. Alternatively, you
could use the get_static_url template tag.

I'd be happy to expand on the above and give you more details, but
only if you're willing to ask again -- politely, this time.

Thanks and good luck,


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