On 2011-5-22 12:54, Brice Leroy wrote:
Hello guys,

I posted a while ago about my project on this forum. Some liked it some kind of hated it (weird)... I though I would post here for updates.

Django Generator is a tool to build django skeleton of your app (model, form, view, templates...). I tried to make sure it covers enough surface but doesn't go too deep so you just have to focus on specific tuning and coding.

The new features:

- There is a first shot of public project. Not sure where this option will go (fork, clone, collaborative work...) - Fields can now be collapsed (wow... this took a while I know) and displays their python transcription.
- Help got included per field option
... and some code fixes and improvements.

I also added a screenshot as people where complaining to have to register to use/see the tool. I'm not yet sure about the benefit of using the tool without registration.

As every creator/coder I'd like to get a peer review :-)

Good night folks.


blog: http://www.debrice.com
Time tracking tool: http://alpha.kaaloo.com
Django site generator: http://alpha.djangogenerator.com
linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/bricepleroy

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Very good I like it...

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