
At www.mkb-rotterdam.nl we use a template tag to display NewsItems in
different formats on the homepage.

However, when a new NewsItem is added, it does not appear at once.

Might this have to do with the fact that we use a template tag to get
the NewsItems out of the db?

Our query is:

newsitems = NewsItem.objects.filter(Q(expires_at__gt = datetime.now())
| Q(expires_at__isnull = True), effective_at__lte = datetime.now(),

Or is datetime.now() fixed to the past?

What would be a proper way to solve this then? Maybe add a post-save
signal but how could we use this then to refresh the tag?

If something else is the matter, or just if you're interested: we host
our site using a virtual apache + mod_wsgi + nginx.

Thanks for your help!


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