FYI i fixed that and post a patch in the ticket.


On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 9:21 AM, Ricardo L. Dani <> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I have the same problem of this ticket from django trac:
> The PostgreSQL database introspection does not detect NULL columns,
> cursor.description does not return the null_ok field, so database
> introspection does not add null=True to column definitions. The
> is_nullable column in information_schema.columns does contain this
> information, however.
> A patch was subimitted, but i can't apply this 'cause the version of
> django that's the patch was appliend is different to 1.3 (the version
> i use).
> Somebody knows what version of django this patch is applied? Or a
> other way to solve this problem?
> Regards
> --
> Ricardo Lapa Dani

Ricardo Lapa Dani

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