On 2 août, 18:21, "biofob...@gmail.com" <biofob...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am a designer guy not a programmer. My coding skills are html, css
> and some jquery tweaks to suit my needs, but i come to a point where i
> think i need to learn a real language. What i'm doing now is working
> with Textpattern or Wordpress(but i dont really like it) when i need
> some dynamic web site. So my question is: is Django viable for me or
> is to overwhelming. Should I stick to my current situation and be and
> average cms "tweaker" or learn a new language to boost my toolbox? I
> asked this same question on another forum and 90% of the replies where
> to learn PHP and work with wordpress ( but the code ....). Also i
> don't know where to begin with django apart from the installation of
> course. Is there any tutorials about using django for web design?
> Thanks in advance

Django is not about web "design" but about server-side web programming
- just like PHP is FWIW, and you'll have to learn programming if you
expect to do anything right with either. PHP is probably easier to get
started with, but the way it works tends to promote messy code and bad
practices - and FWIW, as a language, it's a mess by itself. Python is
a more powerful and cleaner language, and Django is a sane, no-
nonsense framework, but it assumes you already have some basic
programming knowledge.

To make a long story short: you'll have to learn programming anyway,
so you might be better learning with a sane language and framewok -
but my opinion is obviously biased ;)

> P.S- I work on OSX don't know if its relevant or not.

As far as I'm concerned, OSX is a pain (as a programming platform)
whaver language / techno you want to use.

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