On Tuesday, 2 August 2011 20:14:09 UTC+1, webcomm wrote:
> I'm also getting "list index out of range" quite often.  Here is a 
> shell session showing the error in context:  http://pastebin.com/FBE30SDK

I don't know about the 'has no attribute Model', since you don't show the 
traceback for that. I suspect you just haven't imported what you think you 

But the 'out of range' error is because Django's expecting model class 
declarations to be inside an app's models.py. It gets certain metadata from 
there automatically. You can fix this by declaring that metadata explicitly:

   1. In [2]: class MyTest(models.Model):
   2.    ...:     title=models.CharField(max_length=200)
   3.    ...:     class Meta:
      ...:         app_label = 'my_test'

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