I am fairly new and using Django Admin to manage a set of lists and
forms for a database GUI.
I am not happy with the performance rendering a form which has
foreignkey fields or manytomany fields with numerous values. This
inspired me to get involved with overloading
"formfield_for_foreignkey" which I eventually managed.
When I went to tackle a "manytomany" formfield for an 'inline' the
"admin" doco says "use 'formfield_for_manytomany' as usual, so I
created the approriate method in the 'inline' Class but it was never
Numerous clever workarounds are given in the forums but I decided to
try using "formfield_for_manytomany" in the inline class. This works
I guess the principle is that within the "through" model, the fields
are actually "foreignkey" fields, and the 'db_field.name' values
correspond to that model.

Here is a fragment of code where I cache the queryset for multiple
fields in the session dictionary.

# use inline feature in Route for Points and Tracks
class PointsInline(TabularInline):
    model = Route.points.through
    extra = 0

class TracksInline(TabularInline):
    def formfield_for_foreignkey( self,db_field, request, **kwargs):
        if db_field.name == "track_id" or db_field.name == "point_id":
            url_split = request.path.split('/')
            route_id = url_split[-2]
                previous_id = request.session.get("RouteId")
                previous_id = None
            if route_id <> previous_id :
                print db_field.name, request.path, "\n"
                request.session["RouteId"] = route_id
                q_line =
                tq_set = Track.objects.filter(location__line=q_line)
                request.session["TrackList"] = tq_set
                pq_set = Point.objects.filter(location__line=q_line)
                request.session["PointList"] = pq_set
                print q_line, tq_set.count(), pq_set.count()
            if db_field.name == "track_id":
                q_set = request.session["TrackList"]
                q_set = request.session["PointList"]
            kwargs["queryset"] = q_set
            return super(TracksInline,
self).formfield_for_foreignkey(db_field, request, **kwargs )
            return None
    model = Route.tracks.through
    extra = 0

class RouteAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    inlines = [ PointsInline, TracksInline ]
    list_per_page = 48
    list_display =
    list_filter= ('to_signal__location__line',)
    exclude = ('tracks','points',)
    search_fields =

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