Hello folks,

I am new to both Python and Django. And the story is a little long. So, 
please bear with me. 

Recently I created a site named djangoSite to practice the Django framework. 
The first thing I want to do is to create a SQLite database to hold global 
data of the site. As simple as it sounds, the actual process I went through 
wasn't so simple. 

First, I created an apps/ subdirectory under djangoSite/ to hold all 
potential applications I may have. Then, I created an empty file __init__.pyto 
makeapps/a package.Then, I wanted to create an app 
global to make models for holding global data. I tried the following to do 
djangoSite/ >$ cd apps
apps/ >$ ../manage.py startapp global
It turns out the app global was created under djangoSite/ rather than under 
apps/. So, here is one question. *How do I create a sub-app under apps/ with 
manage.py?* Anyway, I didn't stop there. I moved the folder global/ into 
apps/. I assumed that this would make global a subapp of apps, so that 
something like this would work under manage.py shell: import apps.global. 
However, I didn't test it right after moving the folder global/, which I 
should have. Instead, I proceeded and created a model in 
apps/global/models.py named NavItem. Then, I added 'djangoSite.apps.global' 
to settings.INSTALLED_APPS.

Then, I added a SQLite3 database 'global' in settings.DATABASES, and created 
a Python file dbrouter.py under djangoSite/, in which I created a class 
DBRouter to route the databases. Accordingly, I added DATABASE_ROUTERS = 
['djangoSite.dbrouter.DBRouter'] to settings.py. Here is another question. 
When creating the class DBRouter, I basically copied the example (only the 
master class) in the Django documentation Multiple 
It seems to me the newly created routing class, which is DBRouter in my 
case, inherits a class named object, because of this statement: class 
DBRouter(object). However, the example in the document I mentioned earlier 
doesn't import anything at all, so the question is *where this class 
'object' come from*? 

Anyway, I kept moving. Under djangoSite/, I ran ./manage.py validate, which 
gave 0 error. Then, I ran ./manage.py syncdb. And I got a bunch of errors. I 
suspected that the database routing may not work. So, commented out the 
DATABASE_ROUTERS settings, and ran ./manage.py syncdb again. This time, it 
went through without errors. Now I am guessing that I need to import 
something to make DBRouter work. 

So I started tracking down the problem. I invoked manage.py shell, and 
wanted to create an instance of NavItem. I tried the following import 
statements, but none of these worked. All of the them get a syntax error. 
Here thery are.

>>> from apps.global.models import NavItem
  File "<console>", line 1
    from apps.global.models import NavItem
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
>>> from global.models import NavItem
  File "<console>", line 1
    from global.models import NavItem
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
>>> from djangoSite.apps.global.models import NavItem
  File "<console>", line 1
    from djangoSite.apps.global.models import NavItem
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
>>> from global.models import NavItem
  File "<console>", line 1
    from global.models import NavItem
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Now I am running out of ideas about what went wrong. I know this is a bit 
long, so I really appreciate your help. Thank you very much.


, I also created and an subdirectory apps to hold all my django 
applications. I created an empty file __init__.py to make the folder apps a 
package. Then, I meant to create an app named global to hold global data of 
the site. 

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