On 25-08-11 21:04, sjtirtha wrote:
I'm looking a solution to have themes in django like in wordpress.
Currently, I'm starting implement it by myself. But I face some issue

In wordpress all themes files: php, html, css, javascript, images are in
one folder.
So we only need to upload these files in one folder and it works.

When I do the same in django, namely under my /templates folder I have
/myfirsttheme folder which contains all files for the theme, incl. css.
But accessing the css does not work. So I copied the css to my /static
folder as well.

How can I set django to access the css, javascript, image files from my
/myfirstthme folder?

Django doesn't really have anything for themes. You can get close though by just making your theme an application (with an empty models.py, probably).

Django 1.3 includes staticfiles (see the 1.3 release docs), a new way to bundle css/js with your application. Works like a charm. Look into that one first.


Reinout van Rees                    http://reinout.vanrees.org/
rein...@vanrees.org             http://www.nelen-schuurmans.nl/
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