Thanks for all the responses on this. After watching the error logs on the 
production server I saw tons of infinite redirect loops on calls for 

"GET /admin_media/js/jqu///////////404.shtml/ HTTP/1.1" 302 -  ...

This wasn't immediately apparent since the admin *seemed* to look and work 
properly. But that prompted me to poke around in the vhost definition for 
the admin_media alias, and sure enough, discovered we had two copies of 
Django installed in the virualenv - one in src and one in 
lib/pythton2.7/site-packages.  The vhost alias for admin_media was pointing 
to the wrong version, so some of the admin media worked while some did not. 

Basically, all of those bad requests were opening TCP connections that never 
got closed... which the firewall's CT_LIMIT feature noticed and blocked. 

To fix, I corrected the admin_media alias in the vhost and deleted the old 
Django installation.

Thanks again.

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