On 06-12-11 22:48, Ian Clelland wrote:
Raw SQL:
select thing, name, vote from mydatabase_votecontext left join
mydatabase_vote on (mydatabase_vote.context_id =
mydatabase_votecontext.id <http://mydatabase_votecontext.id>) where
thing='Carrot' and user='Me'

That should return null if there is no vote. If you'd rather have zeros,
then use this:

select thing, name, ifnull(vote, 0.0) from mydatabase_votecontext left
join mydatabase_vote on (mydatabase_vote.context_id =
mydatabase_votecontext.id <http://mydatabase_votecontext.id>) where
thing='Carrot' and user='Me'

There still might be a way to do it with the ORM; but you can definitely
use raw sql for this.

Till two years ago I didn't touch an sql database for 8 years as I used zope's luxurious python object database :-) So I'm happily proven wrong in what SQL can do :-)


Reinout van Rees                    http://reinout.vanrees.org/
rein...@vanrees.org             http://www.nelen-schuurmans.nl/
"If you're not sure what to do, make something. -- Paul Graham"

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