On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 4:55 PM, Annie <anni...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all -
> I have some questions before I submit a ticket with a patch to change
> a few things in the docs/topics/testing.txt file. One change is a typo
> fix, and another is a possible change I have a question about. Since
> they're both relatively minor changes to the same file (no major
> rewrites required), do I submit both on one ticket (after my question
> about the second change is answered here) with my patch, or do they
> need to be submitted separately?

Hi Annie,

If someone were committing in the testing docs, and there are two
minor fixes, they're just as likely to roll them into a single commit,
with the comment "Minor updates to the testing documentation"; in
which case, a single ticket is probably ok.

The point at which a second ticket is called for is the point at which
it is likely that one of the fixes will *not* be applied. This could
be due to a number of reasons:

 * One of the changes is large, and requires further review

 * The updates relate to different parts of the documentation, and
aren't thematically bound (e.g., fixing usage of its/it's in multiple

 * One of the changes is controversial or requires further discussion.

In this case, I'd be happy to say both these changes could be
classified as two related, uncontroversial improvements, so a single
ticket is probably OK.

> This example under the "Running tests" section of the page is what
> confused me when I read it, so I thought I should check before I
> suggested a change in case I was reading the example incorrectly. *g*
> Here's the relevant bit of the docs:
> ------------
> And it gets even more granular than that! To run a *single* test
> method inside a test case, add the name of the test method to the
> label::
>    $ ./manage.py test animals.AnimalTestCase.testFluffyAnimals
> ------------
> In both unittest and doctest examples given above that test run
> example, there is no testFluffyAnimals method. The unittest defines
> testSpeaking and the doctest uses speak. I think it would be clearer
> if the example read like this:
>    $ ./manage.py test animals.AnimalTestCase.testSpeaking
> Am I reading the original example correctly? Or is it just that my
> brain's tired from looking at this stuff too long today? :)

Looks like a good catch to me. We should certainly aim to be
internally consistent, and I can't see any reason not to be in this

> Ok, I lied, there's actually a third issue--something I noticed as I
> was double checking before I sent this email: shouldn't the method be
> named test_speaking, if we're supposed to follow the guidelines on the
> coding style page? "Use underscores, not camelCase, for variable,
> function and method names (i.e. poll.get_unique_voters(), not
> poll.getUniqueVoters)."

Also a good catch.

If you're in the area and aiming for perfection, I'd be inclined to
take a closer look at the test names, too. testSpeaking isn't an
especially good test name -- something like test_animals_can_speak(),
that phrases the test as an assertion would be a better example.
Giving the test a docstring that will be used by the test runner
verbose/error output would also be a good idea.

I look forward to seeing your ticket and patch. Thanks for pitching in!

Russ Magee %-)

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