I think that building the python code that performs your logic is a
great way to start, and not getting bogged down with django is a great
way to get started.

There are several (relatively straight forward) pieces of django that
you will need to tie together.

I will simply disucss the view.py components and the html template.

Establish your python code as a module.
Import the module in the view and use it in the view.py.

def function_called_for_log_display(request):
            ..........call your python module
            ...........create a python dictionary with the information
that is pulled back by your python module

          .............render the html template and pass the
dictionary values to the template

                 return render_to_response('polls/index.html',
{'latest_poll_list': latest_poll_list})  #I took this from the django
project tutorial

 ...........use the appropriate template tags/logic to display the
results of the dictionary

On Dec 23, 8:08 am, Jim <camden...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi-
> I'm new to Django and pretty basic with Python to be honest, but am
> trying to write a web tool that will let me upload  'before' and
> 'after' files of alarm logs and analyse the differences as follows:
>   * alarms cleared during the period (in before, but not after)
>   * alarms raised during the period (in after, but not before)
>   * historic alarms (exist with same timestamp in both before and
> after lists)
>   * existing alarms with activity (exist in before and after lists but
> with differing timestamps)
> Ball-park figure for the size of these alarm logs is about 200 KB (=
> about 40 logs).
> I've already written a standalone .py script that, takes as inputs the
> filenames of the before and after alarm log files and from this
> creates 6 lists of alarm objects: (before alarms, after alarms, and
> the 4 lists described above).
> What I'd like to do is to use Django to upload the alarm data and then
> be able to view the alarms by list.
> As a rough and ready starting point, I've created an html form with a
> couple of textareas in, and I seem to be able to paste the entire
> before and alarm files in these, so I can upload the alarms data to
> Django in a form.
> Can anyone suggest how best to implement my existing python code in
> the .py file to create a Django solution?
> Thanks for any advice.
> Jim

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