Hello Everybody,

I'm having a problem using the django.contrib.auth app and class based 
generic views in Django 1.3 / 1.4:

After submitting the login form, my view receives the post data and tries 
to authenticate the user and then redirect to a success page. Ok nothing 
The problem is: My HomeView wich extends the TemplateView, receive the 
redirect from the login form and uses a render_to_response function to 
render the template, and that is my problem, because render_to_response 
does not create a RequestContext object, the one I need to show the newly 
authenticated user data, because that is a requirement for 
django.contrib.auth app, if the request is not a RequestContext, the 
authenticated user data, is not passed to the template (

Does someone can help me with this problem?

PS: Sorry about my English, it is not my first language

Thanks :D

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