Django uses cookies for CSRF. Is it possible these two users have
cookies disabled?


On 5/10/2012 7:56 AM, Johan wrote:
> Hi
> Does anybody maybee have some pointers for me? I have a site up and
> running and it has worked perfectly for hundreds of users. Except that
> today I got two users (from the same company, although others from the
> same company has used it perfectly well) who are getting the [CSRF
> verification failed] issue. I have looked in my access.log and it
> seems like all the requests around the time of the failure is coming
> from the same IP so I don't suspect a genuine CSRF. Also I know that
> the coding is according to the documentation because so many others
> has used this same form without any issues. Any help or hints would be
> appreciated ....
> Thanks

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